String 'fedwiki' found on 492 of 6367 pages from 5 sites. Text matched on no titles, no paragraphs, and no slugs. Elapsed time 7 milliseconds.
# Strengths:
These are the pieces of an ecosystem that will help neighborhoods get their work done.
FedWiki has been developed to integrate maps, diagrams, models, and their narratives. We will support interested cartographer / modelers.
Sometimes we hear "context is everything." It may not be everything but it really helps make sense of situations.
The Wednesday Zoom call and the Sunday Explorers Zoom call are about the design of the FedWiki.
Ward immediately created the link from the Super Collaborator to Neo4j. Amazing.
# Suggested Times for Meetings:
String 'FEDWIKI' found on 687 of 8304 pages from 44 sites.
There need to be a clear (contractual) understanding of hosting responsibilities and local administrator responsibilities.
Text Outline
Despite everything the FedWiki can do, it remains a platform, as set of tools. Great artists do not create masterpieces by pressing buttons or manipulating software, but by learning and practicing human skills such as, empathy, listening, story telling, community organizing, systems thinking...
I need help getting this on to the page.
Please think of this exercise as an experiment in See the Systems and ReLocalize Academy.
The FedWiki platform can do many things and it can integrate them in uniquely useful ways. Here is a partial list of the things that we are developing for neighborhood democratic decision making.
Imported from Arrows: [
_For a cautionary note, see Antibodies and Leading Coalitions._
The federated wiki is kind of like an airplane. You can learn to taxi it and get around the airport pretty easily. Of course taxiing around the airport with a jet is probably not the most efficient way to move around on the ground. However, if you want to fly and you want to do barrel rolls and you want to get places fast and far then you need more skills than just taxiing. Today hopefully you’ll become proficient at taxing. Later you can get in the air safely.
This site is created and displayed using Federated Wiki software platform developed by Ward Cunningham and his friends.
This title stands for FedWiki designed and deployed for neighborhoods. See ReLocalize Creativity. This is the Communication Platform we are intent upon delivering.
There may be a Whole and part relationship. There may be a less to more dynamic relationship. Constrained to less constrained.
Imported from Arrows: [
These are the pieces of the ecosystem that will help us get our work done.
The federated wiki is kind of like an airplane. You can learn to taxi it and get around the airport pretty easily. Of course taxiing around the airport with a jet is probably not the most efficient way to move around on the ground. However, if you want to fly and you want to do barrel rolls and you want to get places fast and far then you need more skills than just taxiing. Today hopefully you’ll become proficient at taxing. Later you can get in the air safely.
Authors ordered by first contribution
What is needed to stand up the first FedWiki neighborhood communication platform.
I am astounded at the latent potential of FedWiki to assist neighbors and neighborhoods in taking care.
Several ways the FedWiki can share perspectives.
See Set Up FedWiki for related pages.
Essentially volunteer administration network that distributes the effort so that it does not need to be paid by money.
What measurements will be recorded and what interpretations will be made of them? How will devices or datasets be projected into the conversation? How will partial results be visualized and what changes when results are final?
> **Caution:** This page is written only for those intimately involved in the development of the FedWiki and neighborhood level innovation.
If any of you are interested in learning more, getting your own FedWiki site, and learning how to get started, feel free to contact me.
In a dojo the students help one another depending on their ability. We can do the same for FedWiki writers--a help network so people get the real time help they need rather than trying to learn ahead of time.
Ward's Eldorado repurposed for Neighborhoods
It seems to me that FedWiki has the potential to create living surveys in neighborhoods, where people can update their opinions, evidence for opinions, and suggestions for improvements. The history of learning is built in. The potential for others to transparently share and enhance opinions, evidence and suggestions is built in. Even the potential to visualize the current aggregated assessments while allowing drill down seems possible. One limitation/value is the requirement for transparency. In neighborhoods this sees a net positive.
There need to be a clear (contractual) understanding of hosting responsibilities and local administrator responsibilities.
What needs to be said and understood? We can think of workflow addressing most communication but what about the remainder? Who will talk outside the norm and what will they need to say?
strict digraph {rankdir=LR
See FedWiki Training for a relatively simple introduction to using the FedWiki. Use the list there to keep track of your progress.
There are useful parallels between the FedWiki Our Platform for Change and Makerspaces which provide a whole host of machines (tools) for making different kinds of things. Sometimes one uses a set of tools, moving from one to the next, making parts of more complex things.
This page is for notes on how to install and configure Federated Wiki. Started by Pete, who is pretty new to server administration etc., so there may be major mistakes!
Once one has an understanding of what the FedWiki is doing for you then one can appreciate the little delays and the nudges needed to help it succeed on our behalves.
The end gaol is
A page with 1 items.
A more friendly concept than a tool kit.
Transparent living survey and even voting platform.
Describe this graph.
This work is accelerating. Eric, Conner, and Robert are working together. There is currently a beta version of an app like Electron install that can be downloaded from Github: local-wiki
Fed wiki avoids the requirement and time for picking nits. Consensus is a choice rather than a requirement. So in a way consensus is left out until the need arises; whereas, it is required from the beginning with wikis.
What would it look like to accumulate information on the Ideals, Values (Priorities), and Goals of he folks that are co-creating the FedWiki?
This page is for Pete to keep track of things it would be nice to have. They might or might not be ready to propose seriously...ideas are placed here without much regard to how much work they might take to implement. If some become more serious, I may migrate them to other pages with more details about implementation, etc.
Federated Wiki sites cluster around people who share tacit knowledge and speak the same language.
Here are three pieces on the FedWiki starting with Marc Pierson and then two by Ward and Thompson.
The FedWiki is a platform for collective learning and collective action. With collective action in mind, let's explore the challenge of teaching colleagues to use the FedWiki so they can work with us.
Imported from Arrows: [
See FedWiki Training for a relatively simple introduction to using the FedWiki. Use the list there to keep track of your progress.
Despite everything the FedWiki can do, it remains a platform, as set of tools. Great artists do not create masterpieces by pressing buttons or manipulating software, but by learning and practicing human skills such as, empathy, listening, story telling, community organizing, systems thinking...
Build it with them and they will use it.
-Can we make the line up graphically indicate "empty" pages?
The Federated Wiki is personal, shareable, multimedia media writing platform. It can be private or public.
What words will mean things in the context of various representations? How will they form sentences that get things done? If each representation has its own markup how will these expressions influence representations outside their realm of discourse.
The thing about the federated wiki:
yEd SVG export behaving better.
Kerry asks if 56 12 year old Quakers should be given FedWiki sites?
Parts (paragraphs and pages)
All things are integrated!
Describe this graph.
Describe this graph.
Survey results from 2/6/2023, 9:02:46 PM.
This page requires major rewrite in light of Relocalize Creativity.
Knowledge has the potential to scale better than materials or hands-on support. How can the FedWiki become a central conduit and incubator for useful knowledge at the neighborhood level? That is the challenge FedWiki developers and early users have before us.
By Wiki I refer to federated wiki or FedWiki.
This is the spot in the template where the essential wisdom is shared.
# On a path toward vernacular programming in the FedWiki.
Each group should designate a person to oversee diagramming systems and when needed transferring those diagrams into software, including the FedWiki.
In the FedWiki behaviors extend beyond the border of the FedWiki into our daily lives. Things that just work lead to new behaviors.
All ReLocalize Creativity FedWiki subdomains:
# The FedWiki brings models to life.
We have exercise trackers that show time, duration, location, and modes. Let's make neighborhood time and activity trackers too.
When I began this journey to support neighborhoods, I imagined the need for Neo4j and Tom Sawyer Perspectives. Both are amazing proprietary platforms.
Following pages by Peter, Olaf, Marc, Kerry, and Chris.
**For Aiden and Family**
Syntegration is a designed and orchestrated set of conversations that integrate the perspectives and knowledge of thirty people in the context of a major theme and twelve subtopics.
Kerry has this in Excel. Will put into FedWiki with HTML and or Google Sheets
Ward and I are interested in visualizing flows in graphs/diagrams within the FedWiki. This is in the context of current work on a FedWiki property graph database where queries can return composite graphs that could illustrate flows. It seems that this is prework for system dynamics capabilities in the FedWiki.
The FedWiki can "easily" be scripted to do calculations on any numerical data in any javascript in any lineup page.
# Problem:
See Citizen Journalists, Journalism, Citizen Journalism, Local Investigative Journalism, News, Teach & Implement Journalismin FedWiki, Whatcom Watch, Whatcom County Charter, Sticky FedWiki ...
All ReLocalize Creativity FedWiki sites:
It occurs to me that if a neighborhood could agree to publish mostly peer written (as opposed to peer reviewed) FedWiki articles the articles would be more understandable, more civil, more relevant.
String 'neighborhood' found on 906 of 5713 pages from 5 sites.
Aidan W. noted that we are making a "Farm Wiki" for the 12 Acre Farm, Wales.
Beginning to consider how to create a foundation (The ReLocalize Foundation) that will ensure the survival of ReLocalizing Creativity and the FedWiki.
Beginning to consider how to create a foundation (The ReLocalize Foundation) that will ensure the survival of ReLocalizing Creativity and the FedWiki.
Survey results from 3/5/2023, 1:18:21 PM.
# It is our job to clarify and develop methods useful to civil society--methods that can handle exponentially increasing complexity.
I would really like to have tha ability for users to add Institutions and connections from within the FedWiki page.
As we look for ways to have FedWiki used in limited publics.
This is a Recent Changes view organized around three sites. It started with Kerry and Marc and I later added Chris. Marc is the only consistent user of FedWiki among the group.
In FedWiki all data will be in JSON.
In the FedWiki (see B. J. Fogg on triggers for habits) the affordances we create lead to new practices.
The idea is that we can develop a personal and public platform for understanding a particular farm as well as developing and sharing Explicit Knowledge and understanding in the form of Patterns and Pattern Languages that will help anyone interesting in farming.
Local communication, learning, coordination, collaboration needs will be used to guide the design, development, and deployment of the FedWiki in the context of ReLocalize Creativity. It must support all of the domains seen in the building icon seen below.
The top grey box is an Asset Plugin. Drag any file onto it to upload the file to this asset plug in.
The top grey box is an Asset Plugin. Drag any file onto it to upload the file to this asset plug in.
Conversation is interactive communication between two or more people. The development of conversational skills and etiquette is an important part of socialization.
Inger-Mette created a page that pleasantly shocked me. Here it is: Obeya.
In the FedWiki, a completely voluntary space, results are first revealed when a gift is being given. The work, the value production, is usually based upon a previous understanding of a need and its potential usefulness. Interestingly commitments are not needed here!!!
ReLocalize Creativity implemented in the FedWiki is meant to become an open source neighborhood adaptable knowledge commons.
Early work on creating a Property Graph Database in the FedWiki designed to represent relevant neighborhood actors (persons and places), ideals, entities, and actions.
_Looking for Variables to put into Vensim._
The FedWiki can reveal and explore perspective in many familiar and less familiar ways. Without an awareness of others perspectives we will misunderstand each other with disastrous consequences.
There will be people and institutions that have a closely aligned purpose and methods.
String 'sofi' found on 82 of 1575 pages from 1 sites.
Fernando Flores worked out this understanding of conversations for action.
Looking for synergies between Kivita, Nick, Thompson's work and Kerry and Marc's work. There is also an initial causal loop diagram. Perhaps we can add a photo of it as it was at the end of the Vancouver meeting.
The Federated Wiki community has been developing such tools for more than a decade. We are now extending the FedWiki to provide an open source platform for neighborhoods.
String 'conversation' found on 312 of 4223 pages from 2 sites.
# Conversations with Monti R.
Survey results from 2/6/2023, 8:58:12 PM.
Vocabulary. Here you find posters with familiar words with unfamiliar definitions. Folks here use these words to mean special things without thinking twice about it.
This link -- [
Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, morals, beliefs, habits, and personal development.
While listening to Tian Farr present "Breaking the Rules" in education, I made these sketches. "Joyful learning communities for everyone."
At its simplest I am trying to help people in their homes and in their neighborhoods see the systems that they are intimate parts of so they can better relocalize creativity.
Everything we do is meant to make it easier for people to make more decision close to home.
See Google Sheet
Tripod Beta could have transformed medical system safety. My company prefered to pay off families for the injuries rather than prevent the injuries. It just was not a priority. They had more familiarity with their lawyers and liability claims than they did in organizational change that involved doctors and nurses. The administrators were terrified of medical professionals and kept a "safe" distance from them whenever possible.
Survey results from 2/17/2023, 8:32:53 PM.
See ReLocalize
This page requires major rewrite in light of Relocalize Creativity.
Alan Kay's Turing Award Lecture ends with a demo that shows the drive-a-car thing – a fascinating exploration of object oriented programming, a fulfillment of his expression that "everything is an object."
We extend the Graph Navigator with a schema definition that guides the creation of new nodes. github
See Story to Graph
Uploaded image
Marc Pierson
# Integrated Perspective Based System Modeling / Mapping (iPBSM)
**Pattern Name:**
<!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?-->
Imported from Arrows: [
A large flat network with only one central node will not work. is an cross platform graphing program that is pretty simple to use and free. It does export SVG file format. I just tested it with Enrich Any SVG. It does create a FedWiki page. However the text is not clickable. This looks like a nice addition to Arrows if the text could be made clickable.
Imported from Arrows: [
The Japanese term for Stafford Beerian "control room" is Obeya.
# What kind of written materials do you have?
**Feature Comparison Table:**
Welcome to this site on causal loop diagramming. We hope that you find it useful and welcome your feedback on how it could be improved.
# Learner Led Design of Learning
Marc commits to bring Elinor Ostrom, Donella Meadows, Stafford Beer into FedWiki.
Collective action requires a set of functions and relationships, a cooperative structure, in a particular pattern. See IAD
For a neighborhood to use the FedWiki there will need to be a already manageable server that can be put under the control of the neighborhood.
Here we begin to explore the causal impact relationships between some institutions in the Coper Corridor of Arizona.
I think that meta is a concept that gets insufficient attention considering its role in complex systems and complex organizations.
This list collects the "big ideas" that surfaced for me during and since our Pursuing Perfection collaboration.
Each and every one of these methods and tools must be adapted, even transformed, so they are understandable and handy for the prospective inhabitants. This translation and all it implies is the work I see in front of us. This can only be done in partnership with neighbors in neighborhoods.
Worth looking into for FedWiki and ReLocalize Creativity.
The FedWiki is first and foremost an individual writing platform.
This graphic presents the wonderful people that I am currently working with to bring the patients hopes to life, twenty years after Pursuing Perfection collaboration began.
This graphic represents the ongoing work that I am involved it that grew out of the Pursuing Perfection experience.
strict digraph {rankdir=LR
The Obeya Room should display a Curriculum Map which includes both current and desired content for the neighborhood. It must include curriculum and content for Neighborhood Financial Systems, Model of Social Systems and Ethical Systems.
Sometimes we hear "context is everything." It may not be everything but it really helps make sense of situations.
This page requires major rewrite in light of Relocalize Creativity.
This is the easiest part. Just clicking on hyperlinks will reveal the content.
For a short and powerful depiction of how our neighborhoods ended up in the current situation, I recommend John L. McKnight's Abundant community
Can we create FedWiki servers on USB drives that can be used off-line and on-line creating a scalable peer to peer FedWiki networks?
**Pattern Name:**
Imported from Arrows: [
Write a "book" in the FedWiki integrating the past, present and future under the headings:
This is a problem we are currently working on, and hope to have fixed in a forthcoming version of wiki. However while we wait, and in anticipation of even more advanced ways to publish the content of wiki, we are looking at creating an export or Publish Button for wiki.
See Backlog List
**Problem:** Neighbors will not purchase and learn to use a set of communication tools. Even if they did they would be too disconnected to encourage cooperation.
# Deploy Sofi Models of institutions, programs, and projects.
This page is a hodge podge but it is of historic interest to me. So my apologies at the start.
The links from this graph will reference Eric Evan's 2015 Domain-Driven Design Reference PDF , rather than his original 2004 book, Domain-Driven Design, Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software.
Can we sketch a curriculum for medical school for wiki doctors? An MD might learn biology, anatomy and ethics. We might teach networking, wiki and federation. Graduates could solve new user problems but not host a wiki farm or run a hospital for that matter.
Knowledge has the potential to scale better than materials or hands-on support. How can the FedWiki become a central conduit and incubator for useful knowledge at the neighborhood level? That is the challenge FedWiki developers and early users have before us.
Syntegration is a designed and orchestrated set of conversations that integrate the perspectives and knowledge of thirty people in the context of a major theme and twelve subtopics.
For a community to self organize in ways that are capable of survival when interacting with for profit businesses and distant governments.
Work in Whatcom County, WA, that lead up to our participation dates back to about 1985 or earlier. The effects from Pursuing Perfection continue, but not necessarily in the mainstream as RWJF had hoped, and not in Whatcom County as I had hoped. Such is life.
Story of 57 pages with 14231 words and 526 more links.
Inger-Mette created a page that pleasantly shocked me. Here it is: Obeya.
In the FedWiki behaviors extend beyond the border of the FedWiki into our daily lives. Things that just work lead to new behaviors.
All ReLocalize Creativity FedWiki subdomains:
# Inspirations
Convert Incarceration Diagrams into useful documents for all stakeholders in Whatcom County, especially for those accused of crimes and for their family, friends, supporters, and defenders.
I will begin reading Mike Hales FedWiki pages.
All ReLocalize Creativity FedWiki subdomains:
When I began this journey to support neighborhoods, I imagined the need for Neo4j and Tom Sawyer Perspectives. Both are amazing proprietary platforms.
Convert Incarceration Diagrams into useful documents for all stakeholders in Whatcom County, especially for those accused of crimes and for their family, friends, supporters, and defenders.
Interesting pressing the "create" button on the fedwiki.
Let's write this update as a FedWiki book and conversation.
Different tools (plug-ins) for different things
# Place the cursor inside "graph" to get some refactoring options
A way of personalizing, humanizing, and demystifying the live of neighborhoods such that everyone can participate in the community and its evolution.
String 'vsm' found on 76 of 1574 pages from 1 sites.
Lots to read here Ward's Talk on YouTube
A growing group of educators are using FedWiki to transform the practice and experience of education.
When these exist they should be moved into a FedWiki site so they can be used in maps and graphs.
Wiki Cafe is a co-op
Each neighborhood should define education for itself. Define what is to be learned and go about learning it.
How I changed my anonymous flag to a photo. It's not particularly accessible to non-programmers yet, but I'm sure will be added to the SFW code soon. My instructions assume you are using a Mac.
See Citizen Journalists, Journalism, Citizen Journalism, Local Investigative Journalism, News, Teach & Implement Journalismin FedWiki, Whatcom Watch, Whatcom County Charter, Sticky FedWiki ...
<iframe width="100%" height="284" frameborder="0"
I found my self reflection on hope and trust this morning. It is Election Day in the US, Nov. 3, 2020.
Kerry has this in Excel. Will put into FedWiki with HTML and or Google Sheets
# Orientation
There is a community of open source programmers who have made the current set of FedWiki plugins. They are all on GitHub.
It occurs to me that if a neighborhood could agree to publish mostly peer written (as opposed to peer reviewed) FedWiki articles the articles would be more understandable, more civil, more relevant.
This is pretty easy and familiar. It is also your experience as a Reader a way to decide if you want to use FedWiki for writing.
**Pattern Name:**
# Exploring joint possibilities and actions
# Recording and sharing
FedWiki software runs on Internet WWW servers and each instance of the software must be owned and managed by some one on a physical server connected to the WWW.
We will start out using FewWiki's Graphviz enabled mapping of FedWiki pages which are represented by nodes in graphs. These notes are also internal hyperlinks to the pages with whatever content is deemed relevant.
FedWiki Community
Instructions and Model under development.
We use the term activity to refer to changes or work done in the federation.
How does the Arrows Tool help us think together?
# Equipping Neighborhoods for Increasing Autonomy
I am interested in learning and learning platforms, like the FedWiki, that improve individuals ability to make good decisions and take effective and ethical action together and for one another.
These are the effects of Whatcom County's involvement in the multi year Pursuing Perfection international collaboration.
**Problem:** Neighbors will not purchase and learn to use a set of communication tools. Even if they did they would be too disconnected to encourage cooperation.
This was my original attempt to illustrate how **problems can be solved** with Polycentric cooperation and coordination.
learning to fedwiki
News is information about current events. This may be provided through many different media: word of mouth, printing, postal systems, broadcasting, electronic communication, or through the testimony of observers and witnesses to events.
**Pattern Name:**
Here we describe how to add a new wiki (using a new domain name) to your wiki farm. There are a number of steps to follow:
We can create FedWiki-based on-line surveys that present the variation in responses graphically. That information will be automatically updated as people learn and change their assessments.
This week Ward and I have been exploring how we can use the fedwiki to help people create their own causal loop diagrams.
Four distinct concerns surface when designing federated wiki based information communities. We identify each and suggest forces that must be resolved before creative collaboration will take place.
Critical Basic Needs graph.
Please copy (fork) this FedWiki page to add and annotate.
How we help one another learn and use FedWiki. So far it feels like a family. Maybe it can become a tribe. After than, who knows.
Survey results from 3/5/2023, 1:18:21 PM.
**Pattern Name:**
These are common across the US and updated through community processes every 2-4 years. They should be moved into FedWiki sites so they can be used in maps and graphs.
This is more challenging to learn than most familiar on-line writing platforms. FedWiki does many more things and therefore has more choices that you will want to learn how to use.
Clare Attwell has deep experience with community art and BC Community Arts Councils.
In FedWiki all data will be in JSON.
See Backlog List
VSM Survey is a survey that has been adapted for neighborhoods, using vernacular expressions. There are 30 questions available but the first 10 questions begin to paint a rich picture of a particular neighborhood. In additions to ranked assessment, evidence and suggestions are solicited.
# Neighborhood Resilience
Kerry Turner, Marc Pierson and friends along with Ward Cunningham's volunteer team of programmers (also friends) are building a grassroots-to-global tool kit and support network that is expected to evolve to 1M neighborhoods.
In the FedWiki (see B. J. Fogg on triggers for habits) the affordances we create lead to new practices.
This is what Ward and Morrison did intensively for a few months. It is what Olaf and I are trying to learn. There is particular way of using the Roster plugin that makes it pretty easy to see how two or more FedWiki writers are interaction. The unit of interaction is the Fork or the copied page.
What is the nature or natual histoy of Hope?
The role of FedWiki in this battle.
Where is all the activity in the federation? Here we show recent changes in the visible federation. See also:
Fernando Flores worked out this understanding of conversations for action.
Somehow this SVG is broken in transfer to a clickable SVG in FedWiki. It looks fine in the Asset Folder .
Local communication, learning, coordination, collaboration needs will be used to guide the design, development, and deployment of the FedWiki in the context of ReLocalize Creativity. It must support all of the domains seen in the building icon seen below.
The top grey box is a Asset Plugin. Drag any file onto it to upload the file to this asset plug in.
Each group should designate a person to oversee diagramming systems and when needed transferring those diagrams into software, including the FedWiki.
# Gaia Past to Future:
# Key Actions
This is an amazing capability of FedWiki. And it is free. It is also encourages collaborative writing and it is by design only open source.
The top grey box is a Asset Plugin. Drag any file onto it to upload the file to this asset plug in.
While listening to Tian Farr present "Breaking the Rules" in education, I made these sketches. "Joyful learning communities for everyone."
I may make a habit of interviewing interesting people.
Conversation is interactive communication between two or more people. The development of conversational skills and etiquette is an important part of socialization.
Marc's Neighborhood
A platform, in this case FedWiki, can integrate many tools (small and large computer programs) in powerful ways.
# Our Personal Links
This may relate to Ward's interest in plasticity and FedWiki.
Access to tools and to knowledge requires on ramps, or graded approaches so that they can be used and useful at the start and through use and extension the tools and the knowledge can become more feature rich and more effective.
We are nearing the stage where an advisory board's input could be handled.
In order for ReLocalization to work, the local must integrate with all the levels less local. For each ReLocalization in the list above we must create models along the lines of Geopolitical Recursions and Geopolitical Recursions.
Inger-Mette created a page that pleasantly shocked me. Here it is: Obeya.
Survey results from 2/8/2023, 10:58:58 AM.
In the FedWiki, a completely voluntary space, results are first revealed when a gift is being given. The work, the value production, is usually based upon a previous understanding of a need and its potential usefulness. Interestingly commitments are not needed here!!!
* [ ] (make YouTube with Screen Capture to demo each of these together)
* [ ] Qulturum
This basic four node, twelve edge, tetrahedron model with Person in the center (minus the VSM node at the bottom) is a simple, friendly and useful way to explore small parts of social systems.
We are developing a way of supporting learning that is adaptable enough to help anyone learn as they would prefer to learn.
We will use the felt need for neighborhood emergency response to develop a generic map (and one specific map) of a neighborhood as a viable system.
From Brian.
**Problem:** Our world has gone too far toward globalization, toward remote control, toward "one size fits all", toward experts know best, toward dependence on faceless decisionmakers.
developed in 2017 by
Quality of collaborative content cannot be determined a priori. Proof is in the pudding. Sense making is retrospective. So for me the question is content sharing attractive along several dimensions. Is the shared content used to improve the shared space?
Here we explore the likely stages in a Relocalize neighborhood initiative and the likely relevant tools and techniques.
Fernando Flores worked out this understanding of conversations for action.
I will attempt to use my three favorite organizational models as I imagine and organize a foundation suited for ReLocalize Creativity globally. It will include the capability of nurturing the FedWiki itself.
Testing Syntegration tools in FedWiki.
If you are new to causal loop diagramming you will likely enjoy watching this introduction and conversation between Kerry Turner and Chris Casillas: Learning Causal Loop Modeling
Vensim exports svg files that are importable into FedWiki with Eric's "Enrich Any SVG" script. The labels are clickable.
Once we get lots of data into Neo4j (or FedWidi, or both) then we can take another look at TSP as a visualization tool. Of course we can create a lot of views with Observable and the Frame plug in in FedWiki.
# Pattern Number
Here we describe an example workflow to convert an algorithmic diagram into a static diagram.
Fernando Flores worked out this understanding of conversations for action.
For me graphs are understandable models of sitiations that I am interested in navigating and understanding.
This list pulls together an interlocking set of tools (types of tools really) that seem necessary to support neighborhoods in taking responsibility one another's health and wellbeing.
Sometimes we hear "context is everything." It may not be everything but it really helps make sense of situations.
The Federated Wiki community has been developing such tools for more than a decade. We are now extending the FedWiki to provide an open source platform for neighborhoods.
This is one of the essential features of the FedWiki, perhaps the reason for its creation.
**Pattern Name:**
Vocabulary. Here you find posters with familiar words with unfamiliar definitions. Folks here use these words to mean special things without thinking twice about it.
At Create New Page there is some good advice on how to write pages and how to avoid creating pages that never see the light of the internet.
* [x] Lisa - YST - Example and payment inc expenses
Ever changing and adapting to the needs of individuals and society.
Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, morals, beliefs, habits, and personal development.
This is were Noah Williams, possibly Kerry Turner, and I will deploy a prototype for free open source education based in FedWiki, and based upon Wikipedia and YouTube resources using Wikiversity resources and intended for neighborhood education.
Now I have clickable links and nodes.
This graph represents a powerful way to conceptualize neighborhoods.
Not optimum.
""System is a free, open, and living public resource that aims to explain how anything in the world is connected to everything else.
Create an institution paragraph and add causal links from the named institution to other institutions, to political recursions, and to physical places.
M. Let's test using this page for notes. Understanding that it is public. And we can erase older stuff as it become less relevant. We can just keep forking it back and forth. This is the FIRST NOTE.
Stories are particular pathways through networks of possibilities. Making the particular pathway visible as a graph allows the neighboring potentialities to show up. Choices bloom. The world gets bigger. Stories change. Such diagrams are stories of stories.
Here we collect advice for operating wiki sites for others. Computers and networks vary so we stop short of step by step instructions. We report what has worked for us using the privileges available to system administrators.
At its simplest I am trying to help people in neighborhoods see the systems that are their neighborhood and relocalize creativity.
M: We need to document our conversation.
* [ ] Present FedWiki as learning platform
See Mentor's Toolkit
Pages about us. About Marc Pierson and Home Page
M (Thu-Mar-04-21): Please read your poem Two Flowers to me. I like [Colours of Life]. Clear?
Observable is an approachable programming environment for data visualization, or really, almost anything you can imagine in Javascript. With the frame plugin, a wiki page is also a programming environment. Here we share one example integrating the two. We hope to encourage other examples.
I will need help here. Please jump in.
**Pattern Name:** Pattern Language
This is worth while research, and probably fundable in the context of current flux in learning environments. Of course is can be extended to work environments. Don't be surprised at what we may learn. The goal will be to learn how to get every persons ongoing PNAS above three.
Getting familiar with interaction of Arrows Tool and Neo4j. I even see a way to create Arrows drawing from Neo4j.
We've begun some work on the long neglected map plugin. Here we consider how maps might interact with the rest of the lineup, neighborhood and federation.
**Problem:** Our world has gone too far toward globalization, toward remote control, toward "one size fits all", toward experts know best, toward dependence on faceless decisionmakers.
There is a bunch of stuff in the FedWiki about Sofi that needs to be organized specifically for our StS team.
Neighborhoods Equipped for ReLocalizing Creativity
We are developing a way of supporting learning that is adaptable enough to help anyone learn as they would prefer to learn.
I have been using wiki software since the early 2000s. My interests are mostly around effective practices in using software that supports written collaboration. I am not much of a coder, and the technical side of things is more of a secondary interest for me.
Wikipedia turns 20 on January 15, 2021. Several people are planning an event, __One World Birthday__, to mark the occasion. See One World Event Team
See the Systems is a new education initiative aimed at bringing the value of systems action to strengthen communities around the world. **See the Systems** aims to empower young people with the tools and agency to make a real difference to their world.
* [ ] Phases in Sofi Modeling
Thompson Morrison (also at FedWiki ) developed an innovation in the approach to education and has found a way to work with educators within self-selected educational institution. The diffusion of this innovation has captured my interest.
Tripod Beta could have transformed medical system safety. My company prefered to pay off families for the injuries rather than prevent the injuries. It just was not a priority. They had more familiarity with their lawyers and liability claims than they did in organizational change that involved doctors and nurses. The administrators were terrified of medical professionals and kept a "safe" distance from them whenever possible.
Each and every one of these methods and tools must be adapted, even transformed, so they understandable and handy for the prospective inhabitants. This translation and all it implies is the work I see in front of us. This can only be done in partnership with neighbors in neighborhoods.
8 October 2021
S3 Q2 Roles and responsibilities are clearly defined. (3->2)
**Pattern Name:**
S5 Q5 We have developed effective measures and controls. (5->7)
String 'value' found on 516 of 6129 pages from 14 sites.
Here we explore the likely stages in a Relocalize neighborhood initiative and the likely relevant tools and techniques.
There are several kinds of information technology needed for See the Systems to flourish.
See Story to Graph
See Navigator Schema
Alan Kay's Turing Award Lecture ends with a demo that shows the drive-a-car thing – a fascinating exploration of object oriented programming, a fulfillment of his expression that "everything is an object."
# Confirmed Partners
Uploaded image
# 13 June 2021 4pm UK
> Peter, in the FedWiki we try to capitalize keywords in page titles.
This is one of the most useful pages in FedWiki.
What do you see?
Eric and I interviewed Joshua using the 3x3 Reflection. Another experiment.
<!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?-->
We have to keep the roster up to date.
A closed lock means the site cannot be modified until the lock is opened by the authenticated owner.
Double click on the object to enlarge.
47.1444305, -68.4489441
# Two issues, Ten nodes, Twenty-seven edges:
# Collective Action, Ostrom is an cross platform graphing program that is pretty simple to use and free. It does export SVG file format. I just tested it with Enrich Any SVG. It does create a FedWiki page. However the text is not clickable. This looks like a nice addition to Arrows if the text could be made clickable.
* Everyone lives in particular contexts.
S5 Q1 We are providing relevant staff development. (5->2)
The Japanese term for Stafford Beerian "control room" is Obeya.
# What kind of written materials do you have?
M. Let's test using this page for notes. Understanding that it is public. And we can erase older stuff as it become less relevant. We can just keep forking it back and forth. This is the FIRST NOTE.
A communication platform must be conceived, designed, built, and updated to enhance cooperation, democratic cooperation. It almost certainly will need to be build upon wiki philosophy and wiki software.
One of the nice things about writing in the FedWiki is the mobility of paragraphs (and a whole lot of "paragraph-like objects").
**I hope that the way we form this enterprise is consciously done so as to create an evolving template or pattern for participants in See the Systems to use for their own start up enterprises.**
The name used for the list of plugins made available by the server your FedWiki is hosted on. (in this case Ward Cunningham's server.
# Learner Led Design of Learning
Marc's Neighborhood
The entire Sofi modeling creates the opportunity for more Ethical Enterprise, especially if done in the open (FedWiki) and if all stakeholders are encouraged to participate. Review Mick's Model and imagine how Sofi Modeling helps to ensure:
There are many ways to search the federation. The search at the very bottom of the line up of pages searches the entire neighborhood--all FedWiki sites currently included in the neighborhood are indicated at the right bottom of the page by colored squares called favicons (favorite icons). If any of these are sitting askue then their server is offline at this time.
In the FedWiki, communication is primarily one way but with no push or pull. There is no way to intervene, interrupt, disagree. However, if another interacts with another's communicated item, the originator may choose to view the others thinking.
String 'institution' found on 108 of 5968 pages from 7 sites.
For a short and powerful depiction of how our neighborhoods ended up in the current situation, I recommend John L. McKnight's Abundant community
# Collective Action, Ostrom
M (Thu-Mar-04-21): Please read your poem Two Flowers to me. I like [Colours of Life]. Clear?
This page is a summary of all of the activity on the server that host your FedWiki site. If people use hosting servers for coherent purposes then this search will be useful. It sorts alphabetically by first name.
I think that meta is a concept that gets insufficient attention considering its role in complex systems and complex organizations.
List of FedWiki sites that can be activated with a click on the chevron.
I am sure there are other such titles in the FedWiki server space.
The Obeya Room should display a curriculum map which includes both current and desired content for the neighborhood. It must include curriculum and content for Neighborhood Financial Systems, Model of Social Systems and Ethical Systems.
# How can FedWiki support each and every level of commons?
I think we all understand that Kerry has final responsibility and authority for decisions where there is not consensus.
String 'coop' found on 390 of 5969 pages from 7 sites.
**Feature Comparison Table:**
S10 Q4 Management regularly communicates with the rest of the organization. (10->9)
S5 Q3 We have developed effective ways to offer new products and services. (5->4)
S6 Q6 Day to day operations provide adequate support for decision making. (6->10)
S9 Q4 We communicate openly with high-level stakeholders. (9->10)
To see the entire enhanced Vera Institute model of Whatcom Superior Court.
For a short and powerful depiction of how our neighborhoods ended up in the current situation, I recommend John L. McKnight's Abundant community
We expect the various features of wiki to work in support of common workflows. We've endured inconvenience in cases where these features are incomplete or unreliable.
S2 Q4 Staff are actively encouraged to develop new skills. (2->5)
Clearly we will need leads on each of these areas of content.
This plugin provides a hoverable, clickable roster of sites participating in a group activity. github
This page is a hodge podge but it is of historic interest to me. So my apologies at the start.
S3 Q5 Our procedures and structure create an efficient day to day system. (3->6)
I have some feedback to share. I find Fed Wiki depressing. I'm using Wikis since 1996. My first wiki was your Perl wiki that I installed in the Mercedes-Benz intranet. We even met and talked in person at one of the EclipseCons. And I had a page at (from memory) but it doesn't exist any more.
This page did not move from Thompson's web site so here is the original with its links attached. FedWiki
8 October 2021 4pm UK
**A proposal:** Never try to think about anything nor take any action without ensuring awareness (shared awareness) of three levels--the level of direct interest, the level that encompasses the level of focus, and thrdly the level that makes up the level of focus.
S5 Q2 We have developed procedures and systems that add value. (5->3)
How might we draw meaningful diagrams of wiki that don't turn quickly into a fuzzball of links?
This graph helps team members know what is expected of them each week before the team meeting, and if used will lead to improvement.
S9 Q2 We clearly communicate performance criteria to the relevant parties. (9->7)
Our world has gone too far toward globalization, toward remote control, toward "one size fits all", toward experts know best, toward dependence on faceless decisionmakers.
This was my original attempt to illustrate how **problems can be solved** with Polycentric cooperation and coordination.
# Introduction
# Kerry's Notes
S8 Q2 We set achievable milestones. (8->6)
String 'Exchange' found on 151 of 6128 pages from 14 sites.
Notes from John V. (Sat-Jul-31-21)
A large flat network with only one central node will not work.
# Learner Led Design of Learning
Jen Driscoll
The Obeya Room should display a curriculum map which includes both current and desired content for the neighborhood. It must include curriculum and content for Neighborhood Financial Systems, Model of Social Systems and Ethical Systems.
For a short and powerful depiction of how our neighborhoods ended up in the current situation, I recommend John L. McKnight's The Careless Society, Community and it's Counterfeits--Amazon
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me
> Peter Robertson, in the FedWiki we try to capitalize keywords in page titles.
August 2021