> _Create an IAD Coding Sheet as a template in the FedWiki. This should turn into a design template for institutions. I need to locate all of the IAD functions in the Sofi, VSM, and Linage Map models. One wonders if it should be modelable in OPM. I would like to meet an experienced IAD coder! What I am interested in is Self Governing at a local level of Collective Action. Map the IAD onto the tetrahedron_.
See Legal Information Systems for information on rules-based legal systems.
Governing--institutions making their own rules to keep themselves in balance with their environments, which includes other institutions working toward viability as well.
Ostrom, etal. Institutional Analysis and Development framework.
This page must be integrated with the EIP Sketch. Ecology, Institutions, and Political Systems must be understood as a whole system. It must be visual to encourage conversations and self-organizing. Insights from Elinor Ostrom, Donella Meadows, Stafford Beer and Robin Asby must be integrated and widely used.
digraph { rankdir=LR node [shape=ellipse style=filled fillcolor=lightblue penwidth=2 color=black] Outcomes subgraph {rank=same; "Policy\nReform"; Context; "Action\nArena"; "Policy\nReform"; "Patterns of\nInteraction"; "Evaluative\nCriteria" Outcomes; } "Policy\nReform" -> Context -> "Action\nArena" -> "Patterns of\nInteraction" -> {Outcomes "Evaluative\nCriteria"} node [shape=ellipse style=filled fillcolor=yellow penwidth=2 color=black] "Biophysical\nEnvironment" -> Context "Socioeconomic\nConditions" -> Context "Institutional\nArrangement" -> Context Actors -> {"Action\nArena"} "Action\nSituations" -> "Action\nArena" "Information\nFlow,\nLearning\nConditions" -> "Patterns of\nInteraction" subgraph {"Biophysical\nEnvironment" "Socioeconomic\nConditions" "Institutional\nArrangement" Actors "Action\nSituations" "Information\nFlow,\nLearning\nConditions"} //ActionArena -> {Actors ActionSituations} //PatternsOfInteraction -> 'Information Flow\nLearning Conditions" "Evaluative\nCriteria" -> Outcomes //Context -> {BiophysicalEnvironment SocioeconomicConditions InstitutionalArrangement} edge [penwidth=2 color=orange] Outcomes -> {"Action\nArena" Context} }
In my Tetrahedron model, Institutions and aggregation rules are handled by "Orgs" and Persons, Actions are "Act", Outcomes of "Results" of acts.
Attributes of the Community, Rules in Use and Evaluations Criteria should connect to "Ideals".
Interactions should map the the six paired relationships among the four: Persons, Ideals, Orgs, Acts.
External Variables are nodes from other Tetrahedrons.
Biophysical conditions only show up in my Economy in Geo Bio Political Recursions, and in the Sofi and VSM models.
Each conceptual part of this model is important. Getting clear on the particulars of the Context can dramatically reduce the complexity (number of choices) of the situation.
PatternsOfInteraction is the set of relationships (structure) inherent in the Action Arena. This is where the Viable System Model can add diagnostic precision and therapeutic effectiveness.
Engaging Actors who have the best models of the situation (experience) and skills (improvisational) will also reduce the number of choices needing to be selected from--again reducing variety (complexity). Thank you Ross Ashby.
Situated learning and adaptation occurs by iteratively feeding the Outcomes back into Context and the ActionArena. I have considered getting may first tattoo, it would be an Ouroboros. Second order concepts of feedback must be deeply understood to handle increasing complexity: iteration, nested recursion, mata-systemic relationships, homeostatic management of variety.
Introduction to the IDA Framework Arizona State University, Marco Janssen
YOUTUBE 3cindBF1lEM Introduction to the IDA Framework Arizona State University, Marco Janssen