Curriculum Map

They are taken from a large graph created by five high school students in Ferndale WA, in the Spring of 2017. What I really like about them is that this is what these students agreed they wanted to understand prior to living independently.

digraph { layout=dot rankdir=LR overlap=false concentrate=false bgcolor=lightblue // splines=" " node [shape=box style=rounded] Curiosity -> "Home Care\nSkills" -> {Cooking Gardening Carpentry Maintenance} [label=supports] "Economic\nModel" -> "Facility\nCentric"[label=costly] "Economic\nModel" -> "Teacher\nCentric" [label=costly] "Economic\nModel" -> "Student\n& Community\nCentric" [label=affordable] "Individual\nChoice" -> "Class\nSize" [label=determines] "Class\nSize" -> "Economic\nModel" [label=determines] Interplay -> Curiosity [label=supports] "Individual\nChoice" -> Interplay [label=supports] "Individual\nChoice" -> Relevance -> Curiosity [label=supports] "Individual\nChoice" -> Mentors -> "Student\n& Community\nCentric"[color=red] Mentors [color=red] Curiosity -> "Individual\nAcademic\nInterests" [label=supports] "Individual\nAcademic\nInterests" -> {Science Technology Engineering Math Humanities} Boredom -> Curiosity [label=kills] Fear -> Curiosity [label=kills] Shaming -> Fear "Prescribed\nContent\n& Methods" -> Boredom Monitor [color=red] Fear [color=red] Boredom [color=red] Curiosity [color=red] "Individual\nChoice" [color=red] Monitor -> {Mentors "Individual\nChoice" Fear Boredom Curiosity} [color=red] "Student\n& Community\nCentric" [color=red] }