
# PARTICIPATION Participation, creative participation, among people is the **antidote to the Alienation** which results from consuming things you have had no hand in making and listening to people you can never sit with and get to know.

Affection (Aesthetics, Love) can lead to Respect and Curiosity, these three together can lead to amazing Wellbeing and Productivity (Flourishing) that honors people and planet. **We must create enzyme-like places in our neighborhoods and communities to keep affection, respect, and curiosity in play within an increasingly interconnected and complex world.** In this way we may master complexity—we can create desirable lives and communities within this complex world.

The generative intersection of Freedom and Solidarity.

Personal agency and action in a broader schema.

What does Ideal Participation mean? Moving with. Moving together. Aikido‘s “blending”. Things happen, we move with them, blend with them, allow them to run their course, not following, not forcing—rather sensing, revealing, participating. Not pretending. Not controlling.