ReLocalize Participation

ReLocalize Participation

We pay for our liberty through devoted participation. Doing something together seriously. The only currency of freedom is personal and group participation.

Children do it.

Live, Talk, Think, Act together.


We all live together on "Spaceship Earth " Co = Participating = Sharing Experience CoHabitating CoLaborating CoOrdinating CoOperating CoDesigning CoIdentifying


**We are all in this dynamic complex world together--and things aren't going so well. Being isolated is not a solution. Templates and top down control is not a solution. Creative participation is called for. Creativity and participation are demanding of each individual. Finding the opportunity for each person to participate with interest and commitment is THE REAL CHALLENGE.**


**Discover opportunities for creative participation at every level for every person and connect them so they are not at cross purposes.**


Use transparently shared, co-created, causal loop diagrams and other models to find and sustain opportunities for participation.

Treat persistent non-participants as Free-riders.