


There is a need to create something new.


* Doers enjoy making stuff. * Organizers enjoy getting people to work toward something or the other. * Idealist are usually left out, sometimes because they don't understanding how to organize nor how to get big things done. The power of idealism in organizing and doing has been poorly understood. We lose the highest form of motivation available.


Sense of urgency and hurry--expedience.

Willingness of part to dominate the whole.

Encourage conversations about what we care about the most.

Before doing much or organizing much, discover the idealism in the prospective stakeholders. Use the power of idealism to motivate organizing and doing.

The most effective approach will begin with conversations revealing the ideals of all stakeholders.


**Notes:** This pattern is inspired by William Smith's work. I have selected three patterns to begin with. Imagination, Engagement, and Resourcefulness