Every problem and every solution exists in a **network of related problems and solutions**. Solutions to the adjacent problems can support or detract from the problem-solution at hand. Choose wisely.

Consider adding a directed graph to clarify this network of solutions.

**Sequence matters**. Often there are preceding steps that are foundational for solving the problem in focus. Similarly, that are other patterns that depend on the problem in focus to be more satisfactorily solved.

digraph { rankdir="BT" "Problem-Solution\nPattern in Focus" [color=red] "Problem\nSupported by this Solution" [color=blue] "Problem-Solution\nPattern in Focus"->"Problem\nSupported by this Solution" [color=blue] "Solution\nSupporting this Pattern" [color=green] "Solution\nSupporting this Pattern"->"Problem-Solution\nPattern in Focus"[color=green]; }

_If we tag these small graphs uniformly we can use the Survey tools to aggregate them into a large graph._

digraph { "Welcome Visitors"->"Recent Changes" "Welcome Visitors"->"Local Changes" }