There are some things that can be made robust against external change and economic swings. These are connected to the yellow ellipse Local Commons Coops. Of course one can buy these services from external sources rather than produce them within the neighborhood. The money spent thus tends to leave the community leaving it poorer than it would have been if the service or product had been locally produced. So each neighborhood can be configured to provide for a set of essential needs that are best taken care of by neighbors work in a shared local economy.
digraph G { rankdir=LR //subgraph {rank=same; Social; Energy; Infrastructure; Safety ;Health; } subgraph {rank=same; "Local\nCommons\nCoops"; } //subgraph {rank=same; "Environment\nand Land"; Climate; EmergMgmt; ShelterEvacuate; NetZero; ElecGas; Supply; Water; Comm; Info; GovMgmt; "Environment\nand Land"; Climate; HygPrev; Psych; MedServ; Care; Transport;Sewer;Garbage;Agri;Food;Temp} //"Critical \nBasic Needs" [shape=plaintext style=filled fillcolor=pink penwidth=5 color=black] //"Critical \nBasic Needs" -> subgraph {Infrastructure Social Safety Health Energy} //Energy [style=filled fillcolor=pink penwidth=5 color=red3] //Safety [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=pink penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] //Social [style=filled fillcolor=pink penwidth=5 color=black] Health [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=pink penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] //Infrastructure [style=filled fillcolor=pink penwidth=5 color=black] //Temp [style=filled fillcolor=lightgreen penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] ElecGas //NetZero Comm //Info Transport Agri [style=filled fillcolor=lightgreen penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] //Supply //Sewer Garbage Security [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=pink penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] "Environment\nand Land" [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=pink penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] //Climate [style=filled fillcolor=lightgreen penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] //EmergMgmt //ShelterEvacuate [style=filled fillcolor=lightgreen penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] "Local\nCommons\nCoops" [style=filled fillcolor=yellow penwidth=5 color=blue] Jobs [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=pink penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] //GovMgmt EduDev [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=pink penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] Care [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=pink penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] //HygPrev [style=filled fillcolor=lightgreen penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] //Psych MedServ Water [style=filled fillcolor=lightgreen penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] Food [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=pink penwidth=5 color=lightgreen] "Local\nCommons\nCoops" -> subgraph {Food EduDev Care Security Health Jobs Safety Water Agri ElecGas MedServ Garbage Transport Comm "Environment\nand Land"} [style=dotted color=blue penwidth=5] //Safety -> subgraph {Security "Environment\nand Land" Climate EmergMgmt ShelterEvacuate } //Social -> subgraph {Care "Local\nCommons\nCoops" Jobs GovMgmt EduDev} //Energy -> subgraph {Temp ElecGas NetZero} //Health -> subgraph {HygPrev Psych MedServ} //Infrastructure -> subgraph {Water Food Comm Info Transport Agir Supply Sewer Garbage} //Agri -> Food //Water -> Food //Water -> Agri //ElecGas -> Infrastructure //Jobs -> subgraph {Infrastructure Social Safety Health} //Infrastructure [style=dotted color=darkgreen penwidth=10] //Jobs -> Social [style=dotted color=darkgreen penwidth=10] //Jobs -> Safety [style=dotted color=darkgreen penwidth=10] //Jobs -> Health [style=dotted color=darkgreen penwidth=10] }