Language of Pattern Languages

Language of Languages

Patterns connect to make languages. Languages connect to make meta languages.

Here is a simple ARROWS DIAGRAM to illustrate the interaction among domain-based pattern languages.

Here is an enhanced Arrows Diagram .

Missing conversations? See Arrows Diagram

**CONTEXT:** We are committed to enlivening neighborhood action. There are many domains that make neighborhoods vibrant. Each domain will benefit from an explicit set of patterns and connections--a domain language. The neighborhood will benefit from explicit interactions among the domains and the domain languages--a neighborhood meta language of domain languages.

**PROBLEM:** **Successful positive neighborhood-scale change is difficult due to the complexity and the needed knowledge, skills, agreements, and actions.**


**THEREFORE (SOLUTION):** **A simple structure for sharing information and understanding among the essential neighborhood functions (domains) is needed. Patterns, pattern languages, and a neighborhood meta language can make sense of neighborhood complexities.**
