These tetrahedrons are graphs that each contain the same four nodes and the same twelve relationships (edges). One can potentially and usefully model any social system as being built up from these specified tetrahedrons. So long as any specified tetrahedron shares a node with another tetrahedron they connect. When they have two or three shared nodes they reinforce one another, something akin to a Buckyball.
Go to Tetrahedron Subgraphs and play with your ideals, organizations, actions, and associates.
This basic four node, twelve edge, tetrahedron model with Person in the center, is a simple, friendly and useful way to explore small parts of social systems.
The model can be positioned with the Ideals in the center. This aids explorations of ethical systems.
With Org in the central position one can reframe much of the thinking about organizations by including the potential to integrate Ideals into our strategies and actions.
>I should map the IAD and NPF on to this org-centered view of the tetrahedron. And then onto the VSM ± Sofi.
With Action in the center, program and project managers can explore the role of ethics in motivating their teams.