We must strive to understand the human communication system that provides for inter-understanding across socio-political scales, between entities, and with the biophysical spheres of the Earth.
See also: Economy in Geo Bio Political Recursions Family Farm Eco Pol Network Family Farm Eco Pol Net 2 Geopolitical Scale Geopolitical Recursions Geopolitical Subsidiarity Geopolitical Rhythms
# In this graph:
The **left column** represents the geographic nesting of geo-eco-bio regions.
The **right column** represents the emergent complex human geo-political systems.
The area in the **middle** accommodates any set of human enterprises that must coexist within both of the border columns. Each enterprise must also exist with a relevant set of other enterprises. We will try to differentiate the predominant style of each of the human enterprises: Participatory = Green 🟢, Consumerist= Blue 🔵 , or Authoritarian = Red 🔴.
The opportunity is to use the form of this diagram to explore the relationships, real and imagined, for any entity or imagined entity. Of course one can start anywhere and then imagine the explore real or imagined entities from that point of view.
The colored arrows suggest that the quality and fidelity of communication channels will vary in predictable ways and that this limitation must be acknowledged and managed.
There are real cybernetic limitations implied in this model. Delays and their effects are inescapable. Oscillation is inevitable.