An NGO that conducts work in sustainable community development, human rights, communications, and urban planning. It is "one of the first online initiatives to share solutions to civic and social problems", Founded in 2000.
# The Nine Elements of CatComm's Approach: I. Clearly **Defined** Mission, **Evolving** Strategy. II. **Locally-Led** Initiatives, **Mutual** Learning and **Trust** at the Core. III. Ongoing Documentation, Situational Analysis and **Contextualization**. IV. Multiple Points of **Entry**. V. Culture of Experimentation and **Non-Attachment**. VI. **Network-based** Approach. Some Resemblance to Movement Organizing. VII. Ongoing, Real-time **Data** Collection. VIII. Continuous **Reflection** and Adaptation. IX. **Scaling by Example**
CatComm works through a combination of
* education, (S-2)
* research, (S-9,S-4)
* training, (S-2)
* networking exchanges, (S-4, S-9)
* strategic communications, (S-9)
* technology, (S-3)
* mapping, (S-5)
* advocacy, and (-9)
* participatory planning. (S-8)
CatCom functions as a news source, agenda setter, movement builder and research collaborative with the intention of supporting community-led favela development. Providing strategic training and communications—and functioning as a connector organization between favela civil society (community journalists and organizers, neighborhood collectives and associations), global civil society (international media and international advocates and activists), and academics and researchers—CatComm draws on the tools and resources of its collaborative and adaptive network to address the broad issues facing Rio’s favelas.
CatComm builds knowledge and awareness across local and international spheres, resulting in policy recommendations and transforming public opinion through advocacy strategies.