# Chapter III: Teaching the human condition
digraph { layout=dot rankdir=LR overlap=false concentrate=false bgcolor=lightblue1 // splines=" " node [shape=ellipse style=filled] label="\nTeaching the Human Condition\nEdgar Morin" "Each Individual\nUnderstands\nComplex Unity\n& Diversity \nof Human Nature" [color=white] Physical [color=green1] Social [color=green1] Biological [color=green1] Psychological [color=green1] Cultural [color=green1] Historical [color=green1] {Physical Biological Psychological Cultural Social Historical} -> "Each Individual\nUnderstands\nComplex Unity\n& Diversity \nof Human Nature" }
Humans are physical, biological, psychological, cultural, social, historical beings. This complex unity of human nature has been so thoroughly disintegrated by education divided into disciplines, that we can no longer learn what human being means. This awareness should be restored so that every person, wherever he might be, can become aware of both his complex identity and his shared identity with all other human beings.
The human condition should be an essential subject of all education.
This chapter suggests how we can go from current disciplines to a recognition of human unity and complexity by assembling and organizing knowledge dispersed in the natural sciences, social sciences, literature, and philosophy, to demonstrate the indissoluble connection between the unity and the diversity of all that is human.