The medical system, which over estimates its capability when it is called "the health system", is being forced to acknowledge non-medical aspects of health. These are frequently labeled, "Social Determinants of Health."
Social Systems--location-based, relation-based--create both health and illness. Social determinants, added together, are estimated to account for 80-90% of negative health effects. The medical, illness-based (after you get sick), system gets about 18% of the US gross domestic product. Public health, which can address many of the social determinants of health, gets considerably less than 1% of the GDP. In essence we are choosing to get sick so we can spend almost one in five our our dollars to attempt to get well.
We each live in a social system, a Neighborhood System, that pervasively affects us and our health. Let's explore the latent structure of our neighborhood.
Your Neighborhood VSM System 1 System 2 System 3 System 3* System 4 System 5 A Matter of Perspective Conclusion
Below are some of the System 1 items at three recursions: Individual, Family, and Neighborhood. We will expand the System 1 components and then do VSM diagnostics at each level of recursion.
digraph G { rankdir=LR // subgraph cluster1 {label = "Sources of Health"; node [style=filled];style=filled; color=white; SocialServices -> EnvironmentalSafety -> Mobility -> SocialInteraction -> Curosity -> EducationalAttainment -> ParksTrailsPaths -> PreventionProtection -> HealthyFoodDietAtHome -> OTCDrugs -> DentalCare -> Nutrition -> AlternativeMedicine -> TrafficSafety -> HomeSafety -> RollBalance -> MentalHealth; color="#00c3ff" } // subgraph cluster2 {label = "Healthy Systems" node [style=filled, color=azure]; style=filled; color=yellow; HealthyIndividual -> HealthyFamily -> HealthyNeighborhood -> HealthyTown -> HealthyCity -> HealthyCountyWaterShed -> HealthyState -> HealthyRegion -> HealthyNation -> HealthyContinent -> HealthyWorld; } // subgraph cluster0 {label = "VSM Levels (recursions)"; node [style=filled, color=aquamarine]; style=filled; color=lightgrey; {Individual -> Family -> Neighborhood -> Town -> City -> CountyWatershed -> State -> Region -> Nation -> Continent -> World [label="EV"]} } subgraph cluster0 {label = "VSM Levels (recursions)"; node [style=filled, color=aquamarine]; style=filled; color=lightgrey; {Individual -> Family -> Neighborhood [label="EV"]} } // subgraph cluster5 {label = "MedicalSystemComponents"; node [style=filled, color=aquamarine]; style=filled; color=lightgrey; DME -> Robotics -> RxDrugs -> ProcedureSurgery -> CommunicationTech -> Sensors -> Facilities -> Skills } // subgraph cluster3 {label = "Sick Systems" node [style=filled, color=azure]; style=filled; color=pink; IllIndividual -> IllFamily -> IllNeighborhood -> IllTown -> IllCity -> IllCountyWaterShed -> IllState -> IllRegion -> IllNation -> IllContinent -> IllWorld; } // subgraph cluster4 {label = "Sources of Dis-ease" node [style=filled, color=bisque]; style=filled; color=red; Misinformation -> Racism -> Poverty -> Fear -> LowEducationalAttainment -> Conflict -> Greed -> NeoliberalEconomicsRichGetRicher -> Enclosure ; label = "Sources of Dis-ease"} //start -> EnvironmentalSafety //start -> HealthyIndividual; //start -> Individual //start -> IllIndividual; //start -> Misinformation // HealthyWorld -> end // World -> end // IllWorld -> end //start [shape = Mdiamond] // end [shape=Msquare] // subgraph cluster6 {label = "Security System" Insurance -> HouseholdSecurity -> NeighborhoodWatch -> TownPolice -> CityPolice -> CountySheriff ->StatePolice -> NationalGuard -> NationalMilitary -> WorldPolice} // subgraph cluster7 {label = "PubHealth System" {NeighborhoodCommHealthWorkerCoord -> CityPublicHealth -> CountyPublicHealth -> StatePublicHealth -> NationalPublicHealth ->WorldPublicHealth [label = EV]}} // subgraph cluster8 {label = "Economic System" {HomeEconomics -> NeighborhoodEconomicSystem -> CityEconomicSystem -> CountyEconomicSystem -> RegionEconomicSystem -> StateEconomicSystem -> NationalEconomicSystem -> WorldEconomicSystem [label = EV]}} // subgraph cluster9 {label = "Finance System" {NeighborhoodFinanceSystem -> CountyFinanceSystem -> StateFinanceSystem -> NationalFinanceSystem -> WorldFinanceSystem [label = EV]}} // subgraph cluster10 {label = "Court System" {MunicipalCourt -> CountyCourt-> StateCourt -> FederalCourt -> SupremeCourt -> WorldCourt [label = EV]}} // subgraph cluster11 {label = "Food System" {HouseholdGardens -> CommunityGardens -> Farms -> Markets -> GroceryStores [label = EV]}} // subgraph cluster12 {label = "Medical Care" {MotherHealthRole -> HomeFirstAid -> NeighborhoodCommHealthWorker -> EMS -> Pharmacies -> Clinic -> Hospital -> TirtiaryCare -> QuaternaryCare [label = EV]}} // subgraph cluster13 {label = "Safe Behaviors" SafeSex -> Food -> Drugs -> Noise -> Kenetic-> Social-> Thought-> Online } // subgraph cluster14 {label = "Land Use" {Forests -> Commons -> Homesteads -> Aggriculture -> Recreation -> Roads -> CommercialLand [label = EV]}} // subgraph cluster15 {label = "Energy" {Nuclear -> Electromagnetic -> Heat -> Chemical ->Kinetic -> Electric -> Ionizing [label = EV]} } // subgraph cluster16 {label = "Polution" {IndividualPolution -> HouseholdPolution -> NeighborhoodPolution -> TownPolution -> CityPolution -> CountyPolution -> StatePolution -> RegionalPolution -> NationalPolution -> WorldPolution [label = EV]}} // subgraph cluster17 {label = "Finance System" { Gifts -> Exchange -> Barter -> Currency -> Equity -> LoansDebt [label = EV]}} // subgraph cluster18 {label = "Economic System" Demand -> Production -> Use -> Surplus -> Market} Individual -> {Online Social Kinetic Noise Drugs Mobility EducationalAttainment Curosity Online IndividualPolution ParksTrailsPaths SafeSex Food} [color=Red] Family -> {Online Social Kinetic Noise Drugs Food MotherHealthRole HomeEconomics HouseholdGardens HouseholdPolution HouseholdSecurity ParksTrailsPaths} [color=Blue] Neighborhood -> {Social Kinetic Noise Drugs NeighborhoodEconomicSystem Food NeighborhoodFinanceSystem CommunityGardens Clinic Pharmacies NeighborhoodPolution ParksTrailsPaths GroceryStores NeighborhoodWatch} [color=green] // Town -> {Social Hospital TownPolution TownPolice} [color=orange] // City -> {Social Kinetic CityPublicHealth TirtiaryCare CityPolution MunicipalCourt CityPolice} [color=orchid1] // CountyWatershed -> {Social CountyPublicHealth CountyEconomicSystem CountyFinanceSystem Farms CountySheriff CountyCourt CountyPolution} // State -> {Kinetic StatePublicHealth StateEconomicSystem StatePolution StateFinanceSystem Insurance StatePolice NationalGuard StateCourt} [color=sienna] // Region -> { } [color=slateblue1] // Nation -> {Online Kinetic NationalPublicHealth NationalPolution NationalEconomicSystem NationalFinanceSystem NationalMilitary FederalCourt SupremeCourt} [color=steelblue3] // Continent -> {} [color=tomato] // World -> {WorldFinanceSystem WorldEconomicSystem WorldPublicHealth WorldCourt WorldPolice WorldPolution} [color=turquoise3] }