People Maps and Graphs

digraph { layout=dot rankdir=BT overlap=false concentrate=false //bgcolor=lightblue // splines=" " node [shape=box style=rounded] label="\n\nMaking Sense of Chaos" 0 [label="One Place\nOne System"] 1 [label="One Graph"] 2 [label="Many Subgraphs"] 3 [label="One Map"] 4 [label="Many Maplets"] 5 [label="Many People"] 6 [label="Few Ideals"][color=blue penwidth=2] 7 [label="Beauty"] 8 [label="Good"] 9 [label="Truth"] 10 [label="Economy"] 11 [label="Many Values"][color=blue penwidth=2] 12 [label="Groups"] 13 [label="Goals"][color=blue penwidth=2] 14 [label="Fewer Projects"] 15 [label="Results"] 16 [label="Action"][color=blue penwidth=2] 0->1 0->3 //1->5 1->2 2->5 //1->3 4->5 3->4 //3->5 //5->4 5->6 [color=red, penwidth=3] 6->7 6->8 6->9 6->10 6->12[color=red, penwidth=3] 5->11[color=red, penwidth=3] 11->12[color=red, penwidth=3] 12->13 13->14 //12->14 14->16 16->15 }

digraph { layout=dot rankdir=BT overlap=false concentrate=false //bgcolor=lightblue // splines=" " node [shape=box style=rounded] label="\n\nMaking Sense of Chaos" "One Map" -> "Many Maplets" "One Map" -> "Many People" -> {"Few Ideals" "Many Values" } "Many People" "One Graph" -> {"Many Subgraphs" "One Map" "Many People"} "Few Ideals" -> {Beauty Good Truth Economy} "Many Values" "Few Goals" "Fewer Projects" -> Results "Many Values" -> Groups Groups -> {"Few Goals" "Fewer Projects"} }