Parts, Wholes, Boundaries, Environments

Parts, Wholes, Boundaries, Environments

The pattern name may seem long, but it is really only one idea and experience. These ideas don't exist in isolation. Each implies the others.

A carburetor in parts is not capable of carburation. It is not "a carburetor." It is a set of parts.

Carburetor in Parts is not a Carburetor

This example is a mechanical system. Mostly I am thinking about living system, especially social systems.


Whenever a person or groups fails to realize all these ideas together as one idea, things begin to fall apart. Fighter pilots die, sailors go aground. The planet Earth withers.


**Misunderstanding or ignoring the self-generating nature of environments, parts, boundaries and wholes leads to very bad decisions.**


**Diagram the relevant parts, wholes, boundaries and environments, whenever you attempt to understand a problem.**
