
There will be people and institutions that have a closely aligned purpose and methods. Sometimes the mutual benefit will be great enough to partner--make decisions together.

# Categories of Partnerships

# Inspirations

* [ ] Qulturum

* [ ] Ostrom Workshop at Indiana University

* [ ] Highlander Research and Learning Center, New Market, TN, USA.

* [ ] Pares

# Confirmed Partners

* [x] Carl McDonald in Columbia Valley, Whatcom County, WA

* [x] FedWiki Clan

* [ ] Earth Regenerators

# Potential Partners


* [ ] Mt. Baker Foundation

**National and International**

* [ ] International Society for the Systems Sciences ISSS

* [ ] INCOSE

* [ ] SCiO

* [ ] Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

* [ ] ABCD Foundation

* [ ] Schumacher Foundation

* [ ] Rotary International

* [ ] Airbus

* [ ] IBM