PANAS 10 Plug-In Dev

The Radar Chart command needs to produce three things. A Positive Affect Radar Chart, a Negative Affect Radar Chart, and a Visible calculation of positive to negative score and the ratio. E.g. 36/12=3.0.

I don't see the need for a radar chart that shows all 20 responses, but if we could segregate the positive responses on one hemicircle and the negative responses on the opposite hemicircle that might help people compare vs having to compare two separated radar charts.

The data needs to be date and time stamped so it can be compared across time.

Users need a way to see how their ratio trends over time but also how the pos and neg trend over time and also how the individual items trend over time.

The title of the item needs to be created from within the 5 Star plug-in and displayed above the set of five star choices.

It should be easy to change the number of stars.

There should be the ability to hover over the stars to see the meaning of the sequence of stars--probably by having the hover be attached to the particular star.

Summary data should have other representations than only a radar chart.

Let's develop this first for Thompson to use with his teachers. Then hopefully with students. This is where there is lots of research showing that changing the score changes the experience of teachers and students.