Object Process Methodology

**Object Process Methodology** (OPM) is a conceptual modeling language and methodology for capturing knowledge and designing systems. Based on a minimal universal ontology of stateful objects and processes that transform them.

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OPM can be used to formally specify the function, structure, and behavior of artificial and natural systems in a large variety of domains.

An OPM **model** is a conceptual model that uses objects, processes, and relations among them, to represent the structure, behavior, and function of a system at various levels of detail in a unified model expressed in both graphics and text.

The **structure** of a system is its form--the assembly of its physical and informatical components, along with the long-lasting relations among them.

The **behavior** of a system is its dynamics--the way the system changes over time by transforming objects.

Main **function** of a system is the combination of the main object and main process of the system. In a human-made system, the function is what provides the benefit to the system's beneficiary.

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YOUTUBE IGj8FGrcZp0 Rea Lavi Interviews Dov Dori on OPM Part 1

YOUTUBE D74hJ2sHn_M Rea Lavi Interviews Dov Dori on OPM Part 2