

In the end you will be asked to link your story of self, story of us, and story of now into a single public narrative. As you will see, however, this is an iterative – and non-linear – process. Each time you tell your story you will adapt it – to make yourself clearer, to adjust to a different audience, to locate yourself in a different context. As you develop a story of us, you may find you want to alter your story of self, especially as you begin to see the relationship between the two more clearly. Similarly, as you develop a story of now, you may find it affects what went before. And, as you go back to reconsider what went before, you may find it alters your story of now. You will not leave this class with a final “script” of your public narrative but, if we are successful, you will have learned a process by which you can generate that narrative over and over and over again when, where, and how you need to.

© Marshall Ganz, Kennedy School of Government, 2007