**Multi-scale:** the nesting of systems in their metasystems where metasystems emerge from subsystem interactions, where metasystems cannot directly communicate (a new language is required) with their subsystems and where the cadences or rhythms of metasystems are significantly longer/slower than the cadence of their subsystems. >This requires more precise definition of actors, actions, and timing.
In nature interacting parts sometime create dynamic emergent properties that stabilize into meta systems. Sometimes those meta systems feedback to stabilize their accidentally originating parts. This occurrence has a name, cybernetics. It has three foundational parts (feedback loops, feedforward loops, and control models that operate through the law of **requisite variety**).
The law of requisite variety is just a limit function, not a command. It explains the death of systems and capabilities that have models that are too sparse.
Managing complexity through managing scale is a big deal and generally not well considered. See geopolitical scale. Maybe we can talk of Geopolitical Rhythms and scale can add a musical meaning.