Interactive VSM

See Interactive VSM Diagram and click on **Arrows Diagram** external link at top of page.

# **Try it**. Simply add fill colors to the circles and line colors to the directed relationships between the circles.

Use RED if this function or relationship is in trouble..

Use YELLOW if a function is not performing well enough and yet not threatening the viability of the whole.

Use GREEN if a function is functioning well enough for the current situation.

Use BLUE if you don't have enough information to answer.

- [ ] Stop = Red 🔴 - [ ] Caution = Yellow 🟡 - [ ] Go = Green 🟢 - [ ] Unsure = Blue 🔵

The Viable System Model is very useful for assessing the resilience of any organization. One can spend a lifetime mastering this model; however, one can also benefit greatly from a few minutes colorizing a diagram of the model. This exercise is a powerful way to discover missing conversations within any enterprise.


Ward did a huge amount of work a year ago to build out an **interactive team-scale Sofi assessment** "application".

# See --for a glimpse . .