Multi-dimensional situational awareness: Political Systems, Ecosystems, and Institutional Systems.
This diagram offers a way to see 1) relationships among institutions, 2) ecologies affected by institutions, and 3) institutional access to political authorities and influences.
On can use the diagram to map any institution's network to access its ecological impact and its access to power and influence across scales.
> When this has settled down then: Create a template EcoPol Institutions Template Create a Institution Template
Using Graphviz
digraph G { rankdir=BT fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif" node [fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif"] edge [fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif"] subgraph cluster_0 { label = "EcoBioPhysical\nWorld"; style=filled; color="#aaf098"; node [style=filled,color=white]; fontsize=18; x ->Homestead [style=invis] Homestead -> Landscape -> Ecosystem -> Watershed -> Bioregion -> "Earth\nGaia"; } y [style=invis] x [style=invis] subgraph cluster_1 { label = "GeoPolitical\nWorld"; style=filled; color="#5ccfec"; node [style=filled,color=white]; fontsize=18; y -> Individual [style=invis] Individual->Household->Neighborhood->Municipality->County->State-> Nation -> "Multinational\nAlliance" -> "United\nNations"; } subgraph cluster_2 { label = "Institutions"; node [style=filled]; fontsize=30; y ->Individual [style=invis]; iMarc->iReLocalize->iLeos->{Neighborhood Homestead} iLeos-> iRegenSonora [color=red] iReLocalize->iUnitedWay iLeos->iSuperior->{Municipality Landscape} iReLocalize->iRegenSonora [color=red] iRegenSonora->{Ecosystem County iUnitedWay}[color=red] iUnitedWay->{County Nation} iLeos->iUnitedWay iRegenSonora [color=red] iChris->{Individual Household Neighborhood iLeos} iKerry->{iReLocalize iSeeTheSystems} iSeeTheSystems->iReLocalize [color=black penwith=7] } }
Here we transform the above diagram into a causal loop diagram. From Christopher Alexander, we have chosen "Aliveness" as the variable for the ecological and political worlds. It may well be that "aliveness" is the best variable for all the institutions as well.
Of course it is up to the person diagraming to varabilize the institutions by asking, what is it about each institution that affects the connected institutions.
digraph G { rankdir=BT fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif" node [fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif"] edge [fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif"] subgraph cluster_0 { label = "EcoBioPhysical\nWorld"; style=filled; color="#aaf098"; node [style=filled,color=white]; fontsize=18; x ->"Aliveness Of Homestead" [style=invis] "Aliveness Of Homestead" ->"Aliveness Of Landscape" -> "Aliveness Of Ecosystem" -> "Aliveness Of Watershed" -> "Aliveness Of Bioregion" -> "Aliveness Of Earth\n(Gaia)" "Aliveness Of Earth\n(Gaia)"-> "Aliveness Of Bioregion"-> "Aliveness Of Watershed"-> "Aliveness Of Ecosystem"->"Aliveness Of Landscape"->"Aliveness Of Homestead" } y [style=invis] x [style=invis] subgraph cluster_1 { label = "GeoPolitical\nWorld"; style=filled; color="#5ccfec"; node [style=filled,color=white]; fontsize=18; y -> "Aliveness Of Individual" [style=invis] "Aliveness Of Individual" ->"Aliveness Of Household" ->"Aliveness Of Neighborhood"->"Aliveness Of Municipality"->"Aliveness Of County"->"Aliveness Of State"-> "Aliveness Of Nation" -> "Aliveness Of\nMultinational Alliance" -> "Aliveness Of\nUnited Nations" -> "Aliveness Of\nMultinational Alliance" -> "Aliveness Of Nation"->"Aliveness Of State"->"Aliveness Of County"->"Aliveness Of Municipality"->"Aliveness Of Neighborhood"->"Aliveness Of Household"-> "Aliveness Of Individual" ; } subgraph cluster_2 { label = " Institutions "; node [style=filled]; color=green; fontsize=30; y ->"Aliveness Of Individual" [style=invis]; a [style=invis] a->{"Aliveness Of Individual" "Aliveness Of Homestead"}[style=invis] [color=black penwith=7] a->{"Aliveness Of Individual" "Aliveness Of Homestead" Marc Kerry "See The Systems" ReLocalize Leos Superior "ReGenerate Sonora" "United Way" }[style=invis]; ReLocalize [fillcolor=red][fontcolor=black][color=red] Marc->{"ReLocalize" } Kerry->{ReLocalize "See The Systems"} ReLocalize->{"Leos" "ReGenerate Sonora" "United Way"} [color="#3700ff"] Leos->{"ReGenerate Sonora" "Aliveness Of Neighborhood" Superior "United Way" "Aliveness Of Homestead"} "United Way"->{"Aliveness Of Nation" "Aliveness Of County"} "See The Systems"->ReLocalize Chris->{"Aliveness Of Homestead""Aliveness Of Individual" "ReGenerate Sonora" Leos "United Way" Superior "ReGenerate Sonora"} } }