FAQ's for CLD's

_Looking for Variables to put into Vensim._

_Jigsaw way in._

_Single Variable way in._

See One, Do One, Teach One

# Bigger questions about the system of focus:

# What is the system of focus:

Easier if we do a specific cooperative. SUMA--a distribution coop for fairtrade products. Jon worked there 15 years. Located in Halifax.

* [ ] **How will we know this system is working well? What will be different?**

-Members will enjoy working there. (Enjoyment of Members--with their work)

-Good remuneration for members. (Quality of Remuneration for Members)

-Members involved at all levels in decision making. (Member Involvement)

-Providing customers with healthy organic ethically sourced products. (Healthiness of Food, **Environmental Sustainabiness of Sourcing**, Fairness of Trade)

-Working within environmental constraints. (Overall Carbon Footprint of Business)

-Building partnerships with third-world cooperatives. (Level of Trade with Third-world Coops)


* [ ] **What will help this system to work well? What will help this system to flourish? What do we need to get right?**

-Treating people well.

-Well trained workforce.

-Committed workforce.

-Clear vision.


* [ ] **What will hinder this system working well? What could get in the way?**

-Unhealthy national economy.

-Losing staff.

-Loss of vision.

* [ ] **Who are the stakeholders?**

-Members of the cooperative.

**WANT:** (RE Members of the Cooperative)

--Rewarding work.

--Adequate remuneration--"to pay the bills"

--Involvement in decision making throughout the business


--Competent, committed, hardworking staff


-**Customers WANT:**

--Great service

--Fair prices

--Expanding product ranges (all that sort of stuff)

--Confidence in ethical sourcing

--**SYSTEM NEEDS:** (from Customers)

--Long term relationship

--Customer financial stability

--Loyalty (trust)

--Increasing purchasing

--Word of mouth marketing


-**Suppliers WANT:**

--Increasing coop purchasing of their supplies

--Getting paid on time

--Openness to new products

--Long term relationships (loyalty and trust)

--Word of mouth marketing to other coops


--**SYSTEM NEEDS:** (from Suppliers)

--Good service

--Fair prices

--Regular, on time, as requested (responsive) deliveries

--Long term relationships (trust, loyality)


**What do they want from this system?**

**What does this system need from them to be successful?**



**Questions to extend a CLD:** * [ ] What else affects variable X? What makes it go up? What makes it go down? How? - * [ ] What else does variable Y affect? How? - * [ ] Does an increase in variable X make variable Y go up or down? (If up relationship is "S", if down relationship is "O".) - * [ ] Can we close any loops? ie are there relationships between existing variables that are missing? - * [ ] Can you think of any existing virtuous or vicious cycles in this system? - * [ ] Can you think of any corrective/balancing loops in this system? -

**Questions to verify a CLD:** * [ ] Cul de sacs (Variables affecting nothing else in the diagram): What do they affect (either existing or new variables?) How?   - * [ ] Dangles (Variables with nothing affecting them in the diagram) What affects them (either existing or new variables?) How?  - * [ ] Disconnected (Variables with no connections to other variables) What do they affect? What affects them?   - * [ ] Are the variables capable of variation? Is the wording specific enough? - * [ ] Do the relationships make sense? - * [ ] Does the conversion to english make sense? Can you tell the story of the diagram? -

# Questions to help design an intervention: * [ ] What variables can we influence in this diagram? - * [ ] How can we influence them? - * [ ] What are the true root causes of the issue? What can we do about those? - * [ ] Who needs to be involved in making this happen? - * [ ] What will be the impact (positives and negatives)? - * [ ] Who will be impacted? How? -