Purple: Economics of change and change of economics
# Current situation:
This group intends to work on clarifying cybernetic view of economics of change and the change of economics. In doing that, we will explore **measures** that we can use Conant-Ashby as a basis for our work. Do we have a model of the system?
Does the model have requisite variety or not? If not what to do?
We recognize that **consultants** are very influential, and they are not talking about systems thinking. We need to have a conversation with them.
Also there are questions regarding what are the **driving forces** of the systems where we are now?
Currently, there are wrong or arbitrary **signals**, short gains vs sustainability of the planet. There is a societal pressure to start looking for **sustainable economics** and **ethical** issues that support all economic activity.
**Money** is a big concern, and we recognize the economics and **governance** are two sides of the same coin. We need a transparent way to trace and visualize the flow of money in government. Think Panama Papers.
We need **new metrics** to money. James Greyson in his Blindspot blog and be Waste Wise blog
has done some nice work on new metrics to replace e.g. Gross Domestic Product.What to do about the situation:
1.Cybernetic model of economics (finance, banks, currencies). The future will be determined by the conversations that do or don’t occur in particular neighborhoods.
2.Begin a prioritized list of types of critical measures.
3.Create education of consultants – in area of sustainability and crisis response.
4.Graph (simple model) the key drivers of current dysfunction.
5.Integrate Nick Ashby’s thinking of added integration of ethics into systems and create metrics.6.Map out practical actions that local governments and communities can do now to localize money and banking (finance). Then go do it with interested folks in communities.
7.Neighbors in their shared neighborhoods each need to determine the metrics that they need for their own systems (living together). These are how they stay within limits at all scales as they take care of the things that they care about enough to cooperate on.
8.Enhance ability of neighborhoods to address their own critical issues. At local level, you can see the power of working together.We need a simple, relatively short handbook/guidebook on how to do this. Given such a handbook, we should then work with e.g. Transition Towns, Ecovillages, Democracy Collaborative, maybe some of the conservation groups such as the Sierra Club (and probably others that I am not aware of). A powerful handbook and the right partnerships would allow us to exponentially increase our impact!!!
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