# Distinction-System-Relationship-Perspective

# I think the best order of understanding and discussion is: P->D->R->S **Perspective**: everything is always experienced and understood from some perspective. Perspectives are human. Perspectives are situated, they are associated with time and space, duration and place. Perspectives only exist within worldviews. Worldviews and perspectives emerge from humans who care more about some things than other things, about some people more and differently than other people.

**Distinction**: every **this** is distinguished, selected, from **that**--the rest. The remainder is then just as distinguished--by the same process in the same way in the same moment. And both are still of the whole that preceded the perpetual living act of distinguishing.

**Relationship**: everything is related. Everything is **causing** everything. Everything is being **effected** by everything. Some relationships matter more in the limited context of certain lives, perspectives, and distinctions. Relationships, causes and effects, are where and when the action is. Life depends more on certain relationships than others.

**System**: **Partial wholes** get distinguished, "excluded" from the rest and in turn have their own "included" **parts** that are distinguished from the other included parts in this partial whole, as seen from particular perspective and for particular purposes. Always try to think of wholes as partial wholes. People create some arrangements of parts in time and in places. But the whole is always making itself, arranging itself, with or without us.

**So**: PDRS is a singular interpenetrating system for understanding living, our being, our being alive, together. It is our way of being in the cosmos and the neighborhood. **Use this system understanding for good. Please.**


The emphasis on the act of making Distinctions is a much needed focus for understanding systems.

Perspectives are also often overlooked in systems analysis.

I love it that the usual focus of systems on parts-whole and relationships-causes & effects are placed between D and P. **DsrP** is how I like to look at systems.

Please appreciate the ever present, pervasive effect of perspective. It determines the distinctions, the systems and the relationships under consideration.

When perspective is hidden it is usually because the presenter wants you to believe their perspective is the TRUTH. Beware, you are being misled.