Doughnut Economics

Necessary. Sufficient. Excessive and destructive.

The Doughnut consists of two concentric rings: a Social Foundation, to ensure that no one is left falling short on life’s essentials, and an Ecological Ceiling, to ensure that humanity does not collectively overshoot the planetary boundaries that protect Earth's life-supporting systems. Between these two sets of boundaries lies a Doughnut-shaped space that is both ecologically **safe and socially just**: a space in which humanity can thrive.

Below is a diagram that can be used to access the states of each of these aspects of your community. Simpley open this Arrows diagram and color code the graphic.

Use green fill color for satisfactory. Use yellow for at risk. Use red for crisis condition. Use blue for lack of data or knowledge to make an assessment.

# Safe and Just Space for Humanity No overshoot No shortfall