Community Groups


Working for systemic change at the community level is one of the most effective – and rewarding – actions we can take. Simply joining together with others to start a localization initiative or address a local problem connects us with our neighbors, strengthens bonds of interdependence, and helps restore the fabric of community.

* [ ] Build community-owned renewable energy sources.Expand Action

* [ ] Start a community solar garden.Expand Action

* [ ] Set up a farmers market.Expand Action

* [ ] Start a credit union.Expand Action

* [ ] Start a Rotating Savings and Credit Association.Expand Action

* [ ] Start a local investing group.Expand Action

* [ ] Start a community investment fund.Expand Action

* [ ] Create community orchards and food forests.Expand Action

* [ ] Reclaim abandoned and vacant spaces.Expand Action

* [ ] Build community fridges and pantries.Expand Action

* [ ] Build a microgrid.Expand Action

* [ ] Start a community seed garden.Expand Action

* [ ] Create a seed exchange network or seed bank.Expand Action

* [ ] Create a neighborhood group to address the climate crisis locally.Expand Action

* [ ] Start a "Going Carbon Neutral" campaign for your town.Expand Action

* [ ] Uncover your community’s interests, knowledge, and skills through asset mapping.Expand Action

* [ ] Use Future Design thinking.Expand Action

* [ ] Start an urban farm.Expand Action

* [ ] Start a local news organization.Expand Action

* [ ] Farm cooperatively.Expand Action

* [ ] Start a community radio station.Expand Action

* [ ] Promote food sovereignty.Expand Action

* [ ] Transition your community.Expand Action

* [ ] Get guidance on multi-sector localizing.Expand Action

* [ ] Policy action: Create a zero-waste city or town.Expand Action

* [ ] Policy action: Support fundamental change of the financial system.