**Pattern Name:** Action Learning
Practical wisdom comes from experience. Embodied action focuses the mind. Confucius once said, "I hear and I forget; I see and I remember; I do and I understand," and action learning is a cycle of doing and reflecting.
**A lot of schooling does not impact our actions nor learn from our actions.**
**THEREFORE (SOLUTION):** **Practice the sequence of: action (experimentation)-reflection-understanding (hypothesis)-action.**
The action learning process includes: * [ ] a **real problem** that is important, critical, and usually complex, * [ ] a diverse problem-solving **team** or "set", * [ ] a **process** that promotes curiosity, inquiry, and reflection, (ReLocalize Creativity, esp. See the Systems) * [ ] a requirement that talk be converted into action and, ultimately, a **solution**, and * [ ] a commitment to **learning**. In most forms of action learning, a coach is included and is responsible for promoting and facilitating learning, as well as encouraging the team to be self-managing.
**Known Uses:**