3 Understanding Dynamics

Good riding is about uniting two very different systems; a human and a horse. When done well a new, beautifully harmonious system is formed. The whole is capable of more than the sum of the parts. This should be the aim of all riders: a harmonious equilibrium with their horse.  To achieve this we must train our horse and ourselves to maintain this seamless system through movements that challenge the balance of the system.

Science has been applied to horse management in the fields of feeding, care and breeding but not, to my knowledge, to horse riding. Horse riding skill is often seen as a gift and, moreover, to be so much about feelings that science can't possibly play a part.

This book aims to dispel this myth and proposes an exposition of the cause and effect relationships at work. My belief is that if we understand the dynamics we can develop our horse and ourselves sustainably. And hopefully create the ultimate union of horse and human.